Certificate Course in the Fundamentals of Ayurveda

Certificate Course in the Fundamentals of Ayurveda

A course that helps you to understand the fundamentals concepts in Ayurveda, its origin, and scientific background.

Sub Category

  • General Health



  • A basic orientation on how to approach Ayurveda.
  • Did Ayurveda emerge from the higher Extra-terrestrials? The classical meaning, aim, definition and origin of Ayurveda
  • The Incredible Ancient Method of Scientific Research and Validation - Praman, still in use today!
  • The 8 Branches of Ayurveda - Did you know that Ayurveda had advanced plastic surgery, pediatrics and toxicology? Explore more
  • What is 3 Guna and 3 types of mental constitutions - The Balance, The Hyperactive and The Dull
  • What are 3 Dosha and their physical, physiological and psychological patterns
  • What is Padarth? (The one that can be named!!!)
  • What is Dravya? (The Substance)
  • The 9 Types of Basic Substances
  • The Five Great Elements (Panchmahabhuta) - what, how and why
  • Each Dosha explained with it physical, physiological and psychological impact
  • Vata Dosha explained - Why dryness and cold weather leads to joint pain or light, raw food to bloating? Learn the Vata impact through its properties
  • Pitta Dosha explained - How the Slightly oily, Light, Pungent, Hot, Sharp, Acidic, Fluid, Penetrating Pitta Dosha helps in digestion and heat management
  • Kapha Dosha explained - Why Heaviness always accompanies Slow, Cool, Slimy metabolic pattern, and why excess Sugar makes you fat, not proteins!
  • Abodes of Vata Dosha - Places where Vata works and may create imbalances like Large intestines, bones, ear and many more
  • Abodes of Pitta Dosha - Why eyes are more prone to inflammation, and why skin disorders are mostly inflammatory
  • Abodes of Kapha Dosha - Why the congestion mainly happens in the chest or nose gets blocked more frequently than ears, or eyes! and much more
  • Subtypes of Vata Dosha - The 5 special assistants to Central Vata that perform
  • Subtypes of Pitta Dosha - The 5 experts that handle digestion, blood formation, information processing, visual sensation and heat regulation through skin
  • Subtypes of Kapha Dosha - The 5 systems that moisten the food, enable taste buds, and cushion the chest, joints and sense organs
  • Signs of Dosha Imbalance
  • Agni - The Transformative Fire Inside
  • Koshthagni - The Central Furnace of the Body
  • Dhatuvagni - The Tissue Transformative Forces
  • Bhutagni - The Fire that transforms the 5 great elements
  • Dhatu - The Ayurvedic Tissue System (7 Dhatus distinctly explained)
  • Ojas - The Life Force
  • Prakriti: The 3 Primary Ayurvedic Body Constitutions, their formation and impact
  • Effect of mother's diet and lifestyle on baby's body type
  • All about the Vata Body Type - Why does the Vata people have an artistic bent, and a delicate digestion? lots of other interesting facts with reason
  • All about the Pitta Body Type - Know more about the radiant and sophisticated Pitta people, with great digestion and excess heat in both mind and body!
  • All about the Kapha Body Type - Explore the Loyal, slow and steady Kapha people who always win the race with great perseverance
  • Calculate Your Body Type
  • Rasa Panchak (5 Elements of Food)
  • Rasa - How 6 Rasa form from the 5 Great Elements? What are 63 Rasa combinations?
  • What is the Impact of each Rasa on the body?
  • What is Anurasa or the secondary taste?
  • What is Virya or Potency in Ayurveda?
  • What is Vipaka or the Post-Digestive Taste as per Ayurveda
  • 18 Types of Incompatible Combinations according to Ayurveda
  • The Ayurvedic Dosha Cycle during the Day
  • Dinacharya - The Ideal Ayurvedic Routine
  • Ayurvedic Oral Hygiene - All about Dental Sticks, Oil Pulling and Herbal Tooth Powders
  • How to Prepare Simple Ayurvedic Oral Cleaning Preparations?
  • Ayurvedic Massage and tips for Vata, Pitta and Kapha specific body massage
  • Vyayam (Ayurvedic Concept of Exercise) - How to do, when to do and what to avoid
  • Snana (The Ayurvedic Bath) - General dos and don'ts, natural cleansing agent and when to avoid
  • Introduction to Ritucharya (Seasonal Ayurvedic Regimen)

Pre Requisites

  1. Receptivity


  • Q. How long do I have access to the course materials?
    • A. You can view and review the lecture materials indefinitely, like an on-demand channel.
  • Q. Can I take my courses with me wherever I go?
    • A. Definitely! If you have an internet connection, courses on Udemy are available on any device at any time. If you don't have an internet connection, some instructors also let their students download course lectures. That's up to the instructor though, so make sure you get on their good side!


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